Ring ring ring Dylan picked up the phone and on the other end was Johnny he wanted me to come to his house but we were coming back from town so when we got home I rode down to Johnny’s house. When I got there we went down to the creek and found a good spot for freshwater crayfish and caught some good ones. Then we went downstream and there was no water and we knew that there was loads of crayfish in the area so we started to flip rocks and rescue lots of freshwater crayfish and then something caught my eye. It was shiny at the back but black at the front so we didn’t know what it was until I reached into a hole in the side of the creek and pulled it out it was a muscle. Then I dropped it into the bucket full of water and freshwater crayfish because a crayfish pinched me. Some of the crayfish are gnarly and if the biggest one pinched you it would really hurt. So we didn’t put our hands in the bucket because we didn’t want sore hands. So we took the bucket of water and freshwater crayfish back up to the house and put them in a big plastic box and we put a long concrete cylinder in the box and all the crayfish big and small ran and swam into and under the cylinder. The last crayfish to get there was so tiny that it couldn’t even get into the cylinder so we called it itsibitsi then we pulled out the muscle try and investigate. Then out came max and he walked over to the box and he pulled one of the crayfish out of the box and he got scared so he put it back in and the crayfish went straight in and out of the cylinder then it was time for me to go home and have dinner.